Manhard Consulting aided the Village of Lake Zurich in in the assessment, scoping, contract document preparation, bidding, construction observation, and public engagement of the CIPP lining of nearly 13,000 feet of active sanitary sewer (10” to 30” in diameter) and 94 service lateral reinstatements.
In the fall of 2017, the Village had large-diameter and high priority sanitary sewers televised to assess pipe condition and provide guidance for fiscal planning. Manhard aided in the assessment of the pipe conditions and identified locations for urgent structural rehabilitation. Work locations varied from heavy commercial districts along the Route 12 requiring IDOT District permitting to residential streets and backyards. Manhard prepared website and handout notifications for affected residents and businesses specifying impacts to traffic, driveway access, and water usage restrictions.
After the contract award, the Village requested additional lengths of pipe be added along Harvest Road, a residential street scheduled for pavement resurfacing in the late spring of 2019. Manhard coordinated the additional work to be completed just before the scheduled roadway construction. With the added work, the final cost of the construction was right at the approved contract amount.