
Industrial and Business

Supporting Commerce

Manhard Consulting is helping clients across the country get down to business. Our services are used in the development and design of industrial parks, distribution centers, warehouse facilities, corporate headquarters, and office complexes across the country.

The teams at Manhard Consulting address onsite challenges including site access, parking, traffic flows, utilities, landscaping, site layout, drainage, flood control, service delivery, truck maneuverability, neighborhood integration and more. We look at the site from every angle – aesthetic, ergonomic, economic – and help you make informed decisions.

Our experienced civil engineering and surveying teams have the expertise to get your site built and fully operational, ready for business.

Delivering solutions to:

Industrial Parks

Distribution Centers

Data Centers

Warehousing Facilities

Manufacturing Facilities

Last Mile Facilities

Rail Served

Office Buildings

Corporate Campuses

manhard logo mark

Reach out to our Industrial and Business experts today.

Featured Projects

Astellas Pharmaceutical Headquarters

Glenview, Illinois

Astellas Pharmaceutical Headquarters

This corporate campus was designed on an 8.8-acre site as part of a larger 39-acre mixed-use development at the northwest corner of Willow and Sanders Road in accordance with the conceptual site plan prepared by our engineering and surveying team.

Manhard Consulting was retained to provide complete civil engineering & surveying services for this site featuring the 440,000 square-foot Astellas Pharma US headquarters. Manhard also prepared the development plan for Phase 2 mixed-use development which consisted of:

• A proposed 90,000 square-foot grocery store
• Two retail buildings totaling 12,500 square-foot
• Building pad preparation for a health club, bank, & childcare facility
• 4-story residential condominium complex and pharmacy
• Parking lots for all buildings

The project was completed under budget and received a LEED® Gold rating.


  • Glenview, Illinois

Project Completion

  • 2016

Scope of Services

  • Underground Utility Design
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Grading and Drainage Design
  • Stormwater Detention Design
  • Highway Permitting
  • Rezoning for Residential and Commercial Use
  • Utility Coordination
  • Permitting Assistance

Bridge Point North

Waukegan, Illinois

Bridge Point North

Manhard Consulting was retained to provide complete civil engineering & survey services for this site featuring over 626,000 sf building on +/-225 acres of a master planned business park located at 1750 Bridge Drive in Waukegan, Illinois.

Existing office complex dating back to the 1950’s when the development of the park started. Variety of underground utilities and challenges throughout construction and design including expansion of a man-made lake for detention.

Achieving a balance for earthwork on the site, reuse of existing materials on site by crushing asphalt and concrete from previous buildings, pre and post construction BFE analyses reviewed and approved by Lake County SMC, saved the client $1,000,000 dollars by excluding isolated wetlands through extensive research to find previously issued permits.
A 90 acre foot lake in the middle of the site with bike path and various green infrastructure and BMPs associated with each individual lot as they are developed.


  • Waukegan, Illinois


  • Bridge Development Partners

Project Completion

  • 2015

Scope of Services

  • Stormwater Management
  • Engineering Site Design
  • Underground Utility Design
  • Parking Lot Grading
  • Zoning and Public Hearings Support
  • Erosion & Sediment Control
  • Permitting
  • Land Surveying
  • Construction Administration

CenterPoint Intermodal Center

Elwood, Illinois

CenterPoint Intermodal Center

The CenterPoint Intermodal Center in Elwood includes an 1,100-acre industrial park adjacent to the 770-acre BNSF Logistics Park Chicago, one of the busiest intermodal sites in the Midwest. Manhard provided engineering and water resource services for this unique development. The stormwater management system includes 17 basins and several miles of storm sewer to manage onsite and offsite stormwater in an effective manner.

Manhard natural resources staff used dynamic modeling techniques to optimize the design of the stormwater management system for a wide variety of storm frequencies and duration. EPA-SWMM was used along with other software to analyze the efficiency of various design configurations in order to develop the most cost effective solution tailored to specific site developments. One challenging development included two facilities with a combined roof drainage area of over 3 million square feet, some of the largest distribution warehouses in North America.

A tailored permitting approach was used to coordinate the complex components with the reviewing agencies while minimizing review time. Aggressive BMP/VCBMP designs and naturalized landscaping were incorporated into the site with agency input. This holistic, creative wetland mitigation and conservation design plan enabled Manhard to assist in attaining permits under a very tight timeline.


  • Elwood, Illinois

Chobani Yogurt Plant

Twin Falls, Idaho

Chobani Yogurt Plant

Tippmann Construction of Fort Wayne, IN was hired by Chobani, Inc. to act as general contractor and charged with the formidable task of constructing the world’s largest yogurt production facility in an unprecedented timeframe. Knowing they needed a consultant with the ability to perform, Tippmann Construction contracted with Manhard Consulting to complete the site design of this nearly one-million square foot facility situated on 200-acres of land in Twin Falls, ID. The Manhard team began design of the site in November 2011 for a ground-breaking on December 17, 2011. The aggressive design-build schedule required close coordination between the Manhard team, the contractor and various other consultants involved in the design of the production facility building. On December 19, 2012, 362 days after the initial ground-breaking, the world’s largest yogurt plant was officially opened for production.

The scope of services for this project included site master planning consultation, grading and earthwork analysis, infrastructure design, and storm water management. In an effort to reduce construction time, Manhard utilized the revolutionary site development software called SITEOPS. Employing this new technology allowed Manhard to provide a grading design that minimized the volume of earth moved, thereby reducing the time and costs associated with preparing the site for the start of building erection.

The Manhard team’s communication and coordination with contractors and consultants spread across the country proved a vital piece in keeping this project on track and on schedule.


  • Twin Falls, Idaho


  • Tippmann Construction

Client Contact

  • Gary Komrska<br /> Tippmann Construction<br /> 260.469.5471

Project Completion

  • 2012

Project Cost

  • $450 million (Total investment by Chobani, Inc.)

Scope of Services

  • Site Master Plan Consulting
  • Grading & Earthwork Analysis
  • Infrastructure Design
  • Storm Water Management
  • Agency Coordination

Grainger Corporate Offices

Lake County, Illinois

Grainger Corporate Offices

Manhard Consulting, Ltd. provided preliminary and final design services, surveying services, and stormwater management for this 155-acre multi-phase development. In addition, Manhard provided design and construction assistance services to minimize the impact of the increased traffic flow that this development would generate, including widening the adjacent State Route 60 to include dual left-turn lanes and signalization into the development. The Manhard site plan developed for this corporate campus specified the maximum building height and included a natural screen to shield structures from surrounding residential areas.

A major objective of this project was balancing site development with the natural theme and appeal of the landscape and the surrounding residential areas. The existing site included forest preserves, water features, a wetland, and a 1.5-mile nature trail, which created a worker-friendly atmosphere. To help preserve the natural ambience of the site and the surrounding residential areas, Manhard used underground facilities whenever possible. A 600,000- gallon underground reservoir and a pumping station, including two 1,500-gpm pumps and two 100- gpm pumps with a chlorination system, supply potable water and fire protection for the campus. This eliminated the need for an on-site water tower that would not have fit in with the surrounding large lot residential area. In addition, two large stormwater detention ponds connected via an underground pipeline and fed by a natural creek were designed to meet provide on-site stormwater management and mesh with site’s natural ambience and appeal.


  • Lake County, Illinois


  • WW Grainger

Project Duration

  • 1993 to 1999

Project Cost

  • $150 million

Scope of Services

  • Site Investigation
  • Site Survey
  • Site Plan
  • Preliminary Design
  • Final Design
  • Stormwater Management Design
  • Construction Assistance
  • Wetlands Management

Heartland Corporate Center

Shorewood, Illinois

Heartland Corporate Center

Manhard was retained by Chicago based HSA Commercial Real Estate to provide full civil engineering and survey services on this 757,880 SF industrial development located on 46.21-acres on Mound and Frontage Roads in Shorewood, IL.

The building features a 32-foot clear height, 50-foot by 52-foot column spacing, an ESFR sprinkler system, 56 exterior docks and four drive-in doors. It’s efficient rear-load configuration makes it perfect for e-commerce, light manufacturing and warehouse users. The site also supports optimal truck maneuverability with 12 trailer parking stalls along with on-site parking for 240 vehicles.


  • Shorewood, Illinois


  • HSA Commercial Real Estate

Project Duration

  • 2019

Scope of Services

  • Topographic Survey
  • Boundary Survey
  • Site Planning
  • Roadway Improvements
  • Grading Plans
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Administration

Lyondellbasell Operations Facility

Morris, Illinois

Lyondellbasell Operations Facility

Manhard provided engineering and surveying services to Harbour Contractors for their design build contract for a new operations facility for LyondellBasell in Morris, IL.

The $55 million project will feature a new free standing 89,000 square-foot centralized operation center. This new state-of-the-art facility will consolidate employees under one roof. The new building will house the plant’s new control room, maintenance shops, administrative offices, and testing laboratories.

Covering nearly 670 acres, the Morris Complex is one of the largest petrochemical facilities in the Midwest. With more than 400 employees and contractors onsite, the plant is a very strong economic engine within the Grundy County region. The Morris Facility produces polyethylene plastic resins that service as the building blocks for countless products. These resins help create the leak-proof containers, protective food packaging, and safe children’s toys that are essential for today’s modern lifestyle.


  • Morris, Illinois


  • Harbour Contractors

Project Completion

  • 2019

Scope of Services

  • Topographic Survey
  • Boundary Survey
  • Permit Preparation
  • Roadway Improvements
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Documents
  • NPDES Compliance Monitoring

McKinley Park Warehouse

Chicago, Illinois

McKinley Park Warehouse

Manhard provided full entitlement management and site design services for this 138,000 SF Warehouse facility in the McKinley Park community on the Southwest Side of Chicago.

In addition, we were tasked with responsibility for zoning approvals, overall project design and construction schedule, permitting services and zoning code review for this project which resides in a Planned Manufacturing District.

Manhard’s scope included overall project management, civil engineering, landscape architecture, surveying, permit expediting and traffic engineering. We managed a rigorous City of Chicago approval process and obtained approvals with the Chicago Department of Planning and Development, Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Stormwater, Fire Protection Bureau and Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities.

Lastly, Manhard value engineered by reconfiguring the site plan early in the process to minimize impacts related to existing utility infrastructure and environmental constraints


  • Chicago, Illinois


  • Logistics Property Company

Project Duration

  • To Be Completed in 2020

Scope of Services

  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Topographic Survey
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Final Engineering
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Utility and Storm Sewer Plans
  • Chicago Permitting (DWM, DOB, MOPD, CDOT, OUC & FPB)
  • Stormwater Management
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Administration
  • ADA Compliance

Key Staff

  • Kevin Coughlin, PE

Polaris Manufacturing and Distribution Facility

Fernley, Nevada

Polaris Manufacturing and Distribution Facility

Polaris MDC is a 475,000 square foot distribution facility located on 37 acres in Fernley, Nevada. It is located within the Nevada Pacific Industrial Park. This facility will be Polaris’ main west coast distribution point for all their parts and accessories. The site was designed to accommodate a 250,000 square foot expansion in the near future. Careful thought was given to the placement of utilities and grading so that the expansion could be done at minimal cost.

This facility has 50 truck docks with an additional 50 spaces for trailer parking. 150 employee and visitor parking stalls were provided. The site has four access points. The two main truck entryways required that a commercial collector street (100’ right-of-way) be constructed.

The contractor moved over 120,000 cubic yards of dirt with over-excavation requirements under all structural sections due to poor soil conditions. Two large detention basins were required to detain the developed peak flows. Grading design used curb cuts and drainage swales to reduce the amount of storm drain structures. Landscape berms with five to one side slopes were provided for screening of the site as well as areas to place excess material.

Manhard was faced with the challenge of a short timeframe to produce construction documents. This was a Design/Build project, so keeping up with changes and coordination with other consultants was a hurdle to overcome. One access point on DNOT right-of-way which entailed additional plans and permits. However, even with those challenges, the project was designed and built in one year meeting the owner’s expectation. Additionally, overall project costs were below budget.


  • Fernley, Nevada


  • Ryan Companies

Scope of Services

  • Land Planning
  • Prelimiary Site Design
  • Preliminary Roadway Design
  • Final Site Design
  • Grading Design
  • Undeground Utilities Design
  • Adjacent Public Roadway Design
  • Permitting
  • ATLA Map
  • Boudary Line Adjustment
  • Topographic Survey
  • Construction Staking

Bridge Point Franklin Park

Franklin Park, Illinois

Bridge Point Franklin Park

Construction of 3 state of the art speculative industrial buildings totaling nearly 750,000 square feet, with over 600 employee parking spaces, 115 trailer parking stalls, and over 7 million gallons of stormwater detention.

Modeling of Silver Creek was necessary to obtain approval through the IDNR, FEMA, and the MWRD for construction of the 3rd building.

Services included all preliminary and final engineering design, stormwater management design, roadway improvements for a lane widening on Franklin Avenue, coordination of a new traffic signal on Franklin Avenue, full permitting, topographic and boundary surveys, as well as a final plat of subdivision. Extremely tight schedule that went from conceptual planning to full construction in just over a year, expected construction completion in the fall of 2018.


  • Franklin Park, Illinois


  • Bridge Development Partners

Project Completion

  • 2018

Scope of Services

  • Topographic Survey
  • Boundary Survey
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Roadway Improvements
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Land Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Administration

Starbucks Roasting Plant and Distribution Facility

Minden, Nevada

Starbucks Roasting Plant and Distribution Facility

Manhard Consulting was retained BY CORE Construction to provide engineering and surveying services for this 720,000 square foot warehouse addition to an existing 415,000 square foot facility.

Services provided included: topographic survey, construction staking, preliminary engineering, traffic and parking study, sanitary sewer design and a mass grading design.


  • Minden, Nevada


  • CORE Construction

Project Completion

  • 2019

Scope of Services

  • Topographic Survey
  • Construction Staking
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Traffic and Parking Study
  • Sanitary Sewer Design
  • Mass Grading Design

UPS CACH Facility

Hodgkins, Illinois

UPS CACH Facility

Provided consulting services to UPS for their Chicago Area Consolidated Hub (CACH) facility in Hodgkins, Illinois.  Assisted UPS in planning and evaluating expansion and redevelopment options to meet their evolving logistics needs.  Manhard provided topographic surveys, master planning, design development, preliminary & final engineering, permitting, bid coordination and construction services in the expansion of tractor and trailer parking facilities within the facility.

The 240+ acre CACH facility was initially developed in the 1990’s and in need of modifications and expansion to meet UPS needs. The land locked site footprint did not allow for additional property acquisition so unique solutions had to be made. One expansion option developed involved paving over the existing open water basins, providing almost 50 acre-feet of underground storage vaults.  Another solution involved constructing a new parking facility on a bluff elevated 50 feet above the main facility.  In order to provide access to the elevated bluff, a serpentine internal road and new access improvements off Willow Springs Road were designed and constructed.  All improvement projects required evaluating and modifying the original stormwater management facilities to meet current MWRDGC ordinance requirements.  

Manhard’s expertise and capability to efficiently develop potential solutions and associated budgets provided UPS with the information needed to fully evaluate expansion options, costs and benefits resulting in innovative cost effective solutions to their evolving logistic need.


  • Hodgkins, Illinois


  • UPS

Scope of Services

  • Surveying
  • SiteOps Grading Analysis
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Permitting
  • Roadway Improvements
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Management
  • Underground Utility Design

Visual Pak Companies

Waukegan, Ilinois

Visual Pak Companies

Manhard Consulting was retained to provide surveying, civil engineering and stormwater management services for a 197,000 SF industrial warehouse and office facility in Waukegan, Illinois.

The project was an expansion of an existing building which required thorough coordination between General Contractor, Architect and Engineer. The expansion also created some grading and building challenges to be at the same finished floor, connect existing parking lots and provide accessible access to new portion of the building.

Manhard successfully obtained permitting in less than four months from start of design.

A retaining wall was designed to maximize ADA accessibility. Manhard was success in improving existing drainage due to the challenge of matching the low elevation finished floor on the building to the north.


  • Waukegan, Ilinois


  • PREMIER Design & Build Group, LLC

Project Completion

  • 2018

Scope of Services

  • Topographic Survey
  • Boundary Survey
  • Permit Preparation
  • Entitlements
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Plan Preparation
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Administration

W.W. Grainger Data Center

Lake Forest, Illinois

W.W. Grainger Data Center

The project was a 30,000 SF Data Center facility located at Grainger’s headquarters on the W.W, Grainger Corporate Campus south of Town Line Road on 155-acres in unincorporated Lake County, Illinois.

Manhard provided engineering, water resource, surveying and landscape design services for the project.
The project was designed and permitted through Lake County under the USGBC LEED v4 Beta Program. Manhard worked with the Client, Architect and Contractor to achieve LEED Sustainable Site credits, including reduced footprint, green vehicles, open space and rainwater management with a volume control facility constructed to meet pre and post project volume requirements.

The design for this project began in the January 2013 and construction was completed by summer, 2014. This project was completed on schedule, meeting the Client’s need for an onsite Data Center with the capability of future expansion.


  • Lake Forest, Illinois


  • W.W. Grainger Inc.

Project Completion

  • 2014

Scope of Services

  • Due Diligence
  • Full Surveying
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Final Engineering
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Grading & Drainage Design
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Demolition Plans
  • Utility Plans & Coordination
  • Storm Sewer Plans
  • Erosion Control Plans
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Roadway Permitting
  • Walkway Path Design & Permitting
  • Sustainable Design

Elion Logistics Park – 55

Wilmington, Illinois

Elion Logistics Park – 55

Manhard Consulting provided civil engineering, surveying and landscape architecture service for the logistics center in Wilmington, Illinois. Elion is a 2,000-acre, rail-served intermodal park with room for 14 million square feet of industrial, warehousing and logistics building s is being developed by Elion Partners. This is one of the largest industrial parks built in the United States within the past five years.

Project components designed by Manhard include:  three primary roadways, regional sanitary sewer/lift station and a 1,000,000-gallon elevated water tower.  Also included is a relocation of a main tributary to the Kankakee River.  The stream relocation entails a total of 11,900 feet of naturalized, meandering stream length.  In addition, stormwater detention facilities are planned throughout the development to provide necessary detention and compensatory storage for impacts to the existing floodplain.  Software utilized to analyze the stormwater management aspects of the project include HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and EPASWMM.

Recent projects include 1,600,000 square foot Michelin Facility; a 750,000 square foot Batory Foods Facility and Rail Served Freezer, a 1,500,000 square foot General Mills Facility and Refrigerated Buildings for Consolidated Distribution Corporation.


  • Wilmington, Illinois


  • Elion Partners

Project Completion

  • Ongoing

Scope of Services

  • Surveying
  • Master Planning
  • Stormwater Management
  • Final Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Permitting Coordination
  • Stormwater Permitting - IDNR-OWR for construction in the floodway, US Army Corps of Engineers, Will County & City of Wilmington
  • Construction Administration

Bristol Business Park

Bristol, Wisconsin

Bristol Business Park

The Bristol Business Park project is set to be one of the largest scale industrial developments on which Manhard has provided services. The development consists of 2.2 million sf of industrial space in six buildings on 150 acres on Wisconsin’s southeast border.

Manhard is providing due diligence, entitlement coordination, surveying, preliminary engineering, preliminary landscape architecture, mass grading, overall site infrastructure, final engineering, permitting, stormwater management, offsite utility design, highway improvements, and construction staking, observation and assistance for the project.


  • Bristol, Wisconsin


  • Janko Group

Project Completion

  • Ongoing

Scope of Services

  • Due Diligence
  • Entitlement Coordination
  • Topographic Survey
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Land Planning
  • Preliminary Landscape Architecture
  • Mass Grading
  • Final Engineering and Permitting
  • Water Resources
  • Offsite Utilities Design
  • Highway Improvements
  • Final Platting
  • ALTA Surveys
  • Construction Mangement

Canterfield Corporate Campus

West Dundee, Ilinois

Canterfield Corporate Campus

This project consisted of Phase 1 of an industrial corporate build-out at the Canterfield Corporate Campus site on the east side of route 31 connected to the intersection of IL-31 and Canterfield Parkway in the Village of West Dundee, Illinois with Transwestern Development Company and Triumph Construction Services Corporation. Phase 1 consisted of the development of an approximately 250,000 SF spec industrial building on Lot 1 and one 250,000 SF Build-To-Suit Industrial building on Lot 2 with a R.O.W. expansion of Canterfield Parkway to service both building sites and IL-31 Signalization design. The Manhard Consulting Team was tasked with performing on-site civil engineering design, infrastructure engineering design, master stormwater, surveying, and landscape architecture services from the initial land planning and entitlements phase all the way through construction.

This project offered unique challenges being the first phase of a master development in understanding how the first phase works with the surrounding master development land and vision and ensuring that design decisions made in this initial phase have a positive impact on the overall master development strategy and allow for ease of future development on-site. Master stormwater design and considerations were a key component to the design process, along with working closely with the Landowner and development team on the overall master design vision, and closely with Village staff and the construction team on implementation throughout the design, approval, and construction process.


  • West Dundee, Ilinois


  • Transwestern Development Company

Project Duration

  • 2021-present

Project Completion

  • Ongoing

Scope of Services

  • Due Diligence
  • ALTA & Topographic Survey
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Easement Assistance
  • Final Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Erosion Control Plans
  • Demolition Plans
  • Storm Sewer Plans
  • Underground Utility Design
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Construction Administration
  • ADA Compliance

The Woodlands at Canterfield

West Dundee, Ilinois

The Woodlands at Canterfield

This senior living development at 901 Angle Tarn in the Village of West Dundee for Nelson Construction and Development features a multi-level multi-purpose independent living facility, memory care building, and parking lot on an approximately 9-acre site located near the northwest corner of Boncosky Road and State Route 31 in West Dundee, Illinois. The Manhard Consulting Team was tasked with performing civil engineering, surveying, and landscape architecture services following the initial land planning and entitlements phase all the way through construction.

This project offered unique challenges in integrating a Senior Living facility on a site featuring approximately 20 feet of fall while still maintaining all of the necessary ADA requirements, amenities, and targeted density. Our team was able to work with the client, Village, and AG Architecture to develop a unique solution of stepping the building and facility down the hill and offering multiple elevations and unique opportunities to view the building from the East and West and offering an aesthetically pleasing final solution. This solution also helped to align the character of the building with the surrounding single-family homes.


  • West Dundee, Ilinois


  • Nelson Construction and Development

Project Completion

  • 2023

Scope of Services

  • Due Diligence
  • ALTA & Topographic Surveys
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Easement Assistance
  • Final Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Erosion Control Plans
  • Demolition Plans
  • Storm Sewer Plans
  • Underground Utility Plans
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Bidding Administration
  • ADA Compliance
  • Construction Management

eCommerce Retailer Logistics Center

Chicago, Illinois

eCommerce Retailer Logistics Center

Manhard was retained to provide civil engineering, entitlement assistance, permitting, land surveying and landscape architecture on this 140,000 square foot logistics center located in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood. Our teams were able to meet challenging entitlement and permitting schedules to keep the project on track. The project has various challenges including planning for multiple phases of construction due to an extended lease on part of the property. Additionally, the site was a brownfield, and our teams provided detailed earthwork assistance, taking into consideration environmental constraints and stormwater regulations. Our stormwater solutions included a combination at grade basin and underground vault to optimize cost to meet client’s desired site plan.

Manhard’s expedited design and permitting schedule allowed for construction to start on time. Our unique earthwork and stormwater design saved in excess of $1,000,000 in construction cost.

This project won The Chicago Greater Food Depository Real Estate Award for Industrial Project of the Year in 2022.


  • Chicago, Illinois


  • CESO

Project Completion

  • Ongoing

Scope of Services

  • Civil Engineering
  • Land Planning
  • Stormwater Management
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Land Surveying
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Permitting

R+L Carriers

San Antonio, Texas

R+L Carriers

Manhard Consulting assisted R+L Carriers to improve their existing service center located at 4204 IH 10 Frontage Road in San Antonio, Texas through a full-service effort. The project was initiated from a concept site plan from the client which quickly required due diligence studies and site planning to maximize the property’s use. Once the site plan was finalized, Manhard completed the final engineering design and secured permits through multiple agencies at both the local and state level.

During the permitting stage, it was determined that a particular scope of the improvements would require entitlements work. Manhard led the effort and revised the drawings to strategically show the improvement as future, which allowed the critical path construction to continue. Once all permits were secured, the rezoning process was initiated and ultimately successful after several months of cooperation with the city and surrounding residents.

Upon approval of the engineering plans, Manhard’s expertise was required to assist R+L Carriers and the general contractor in developing a phasing plan that would allow operations to continue, with minimal disruption, throughout the duration of construction. Despite the complex schedule, permitting, phasing, and entitlements, the project was a success and R+L Carriers is continuing to serve the San Antonio market from this facility.


  • San Antonio, Texas


  • R+L Carriers

Construction Date

  • 2023

Scope of Services

  • Due Dilligence
  • ALTA Survey
  • Topographic Survey
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Land Planning
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Final Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Grading and Drainage Design
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Underground Utility Design
  • Demolition Plans
  • Utility Plans and Coordination
  • Erosion Control Plans
  • Parking Lot Analysis and Design
  • ADA Compliance
Manhard Industrial Cadence McShane

Skyline Commerce Center

Mesquite, Texas

Skyline Commerce Center
Manhard Industrial Cadence McShane

Manhard was retained by Conor Commercial Real Estate to provide complete civil engineering services for this two building, 198,000 square-foot speculative industrial development.

Building one is 135,200 sf and building two is 62,400 sf. The property features 258 surface parking spaces and 12 trailer parking stalls and 48 dock doors between the two buildings.

Services included site planning for city approval, platting, and final civil engineering design, as well as franchise utility coordination and construction administration.  Due to its location along the I-30 highway corridor and across city limit boundaries, this site also required concurrent platting and engineering approvals from the City of Dallas and TxDOT.


  • Mesquite, Texas


  • Conor Commercial Real Estate

Project Completion

  • 2020

Scope of Services

  • Due Diligence
  • Site Planning
  • Permitting Assistance
  • Easement Assistance
  • Entitlement Assistance
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Stormwater Management
  • Site Grading Plans
  • Grading & Drainage Design
  • Final Engineering
  • Underground Utility Design
  • Utility, Storm Sewer & Erosion Control Plans
  • Highway/Roadway Permitting
  • Walkway/Bike Path Design & Permitting
  • Construction Management

Market Leaders

Midwest Region

James J. Frayn, PE

Vice President

Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Illinois #062-048376
Illinois Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science/Civil Engineering
Professional Affiliations
Home Builders Association of Northern Illinois


Dan Madison, PE

Operations Manager, Colorado

Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Colorado #50253
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Illinois #062-0633698
Iowa State University, Bachelor of Science/Civil Engineering
Professional Affiliations
National Association of Industrial and Office Parks


matt korte operations manager manhard nashville

Matt Korte, PE

Operations Manager, Nashville

Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Tennessee, #123187
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Alabama
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Arkansas
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Florida
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Geogia
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Idaho
Texas A & M University, Bachelor of Science/Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Texas A & M University, Master of Science/Biological and Agricultural Engineering


Andrew (Drew) Motter, PE

Operations Manager, Nevada

Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Nevada #13794
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Arizona #50004
University of Nevada - Reno, Bachelor of Science/Civil Engineering
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers


Jesse Conrad, PE

Vice President, Managing Director

Professional Registrations
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Illinois #062-066770
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Texas #130104
University of Kansas, Bachelor of Science/Civil Engineering
Professional Affiliations
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)
ICSC CenterBuild Class of 2017 Rising Retail Leaders Under 40