Manhard Consulting provided civil engineering design and resident engineering services to the Village of Lake Zurich for the improvement to 700 feet of Buffalo Creek at Bristol Trails Park in Lake Zurich.
This project was a continuation of the efforts to reduce flooding, property damage, degradation of the natural wetland corridor, and shoreline loss. The previously meandering erosive slopes created damage to the parkland, adjacent retaining walls, storm sewer infrastructure, trail system, and put the adjacent private properties at risk of the banks encroaching into their parcels. The contractor was able to reuse a variety of materials from the creek, like ajax, boulders, and rip rap to minimize the influx of materials brought into the wetland.
This project allowed stabilization of the streambank, restoration of the wetland areas, and improved conveyance and storage within the stream, lowering the risk of the flooding for the adjacent and downstream residential properties and improved the overall water quality and ecology of the watershed.